Marion starts as the President of the
Lahti International Poster Triennial

Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva acquires ÄÄRELLÄ video art work for its permanent collection. The work was the museums first aquisition.

ÄÄRELLÄ video art work by Liiketila art collective premieres.

Loviisankatu 8 book, a non-fiction book designed by Marion, is awarded in the Most beautiful Finnish books competition and received an Aukusti cultural award.

january 2018
Marion starts as Senior Lecturer of graphic design at Lahti Institute of Design, LAB university of applied sciences.

Two guest lectures at FERI
University of Maribor, FERI invited me to give two lectures to visual communication students.
Active working - Branding in the office furniture industry
Language in Motion - Typographic characteristics of Finno-Ugric languages

Liiketila art collective will perform MAA at Estonian National Museum, Tartu, Estonia, Kindred Evening (Hõimuõhtu) event.

December 2016
Arts grants
Kone Foundation granted Liiketila art collective
a 32 000 euro grant for artistic research and performance production.
New work by Liiketila is done in collaboration with National Library of Finland archives,
and is based on history and origin of Finnish and neighbouring languages.

Komi Serif -typographic research and creation of a new typeface for komi language was awareded with grants from Kone Foundation and Grafia ry.
The typeface will make digitization of publications possible from 1920-1930's.
Product is done in collaboration with type designer Teo Tuominen.
Project partners: National Library of Finland Fenno-Ugrica Archives, University of Helsinki Department of Modern Languages Language Technology, FU-lab (Syktykvar, Komi, Russia).

Grafia magazine article
Grafia magazine published a short article titled Ei tätä tytöt ymmärrä - silmäys äänioikeuteen ('Not for girls - a look at right to vote'). The article explored from visual communications point of view how women created propaganda for their right to vote in Finland 110 years ago.

Guest lecture at Aalto University
Language in motion: Hybric narrative in action lecture
exploring visual writing for the Visual narrative MA students
at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Media department. The lecture covered visual writing history
and theory using Finnish examples in prose and poetry
with one in-depth case-study of hybrid narrative in
a performance form.

Lahti Poster Triennial 2017
I am part of the organising committee for the established Lahti Poster Triennial for next year.
Entry is open until 30th November 2016.

MAA at Lahti Historical Museum
Lahti Historical Museum commisioned Liiketila to adapt MAA to be performed along their current exhibition by Photographer Meeri Koutaniemi documenting the Finno-Ugric Mari peoples.

MAA at Kaustinen Folk Music Festival
Liiketila performed MAA at legendary Kaustinen Folk Music festival.
It was the first year Kaustinen invited multi-disciplinary art to take part at the traditional music festival.

MAA - Performance and installation by
Liiketila art collective premiere

The Finno-Ugric themed multidiciplinary, cross-platform artwork MAA fuses together dance, poetry, visual art and design. It interacts with space and the audience on a multisensory level.

MAA discusses themes like language identity, the culture of otherness and the withering of minority languages. It champions the fragility of language and letters, but also the regeneration and vitality of communication and celebrates their meaning to identity.
MAA lies in the groundwork laid by language research and the Fenno-Ugrica archives of the National Library of Finland.
MAA was supporterd by Kone Foundation.

The premier took place at Poetry Marathon festival at Sibelius Hall, Lahti, Finland
Photo: Terho Anttolainen

MAA – Nichesourcing textbook
for the benefit of an art performance

Liiketila art collective and the Minority Languages Project of
the National Library Finland
have launched a crowdsourcing,
or perhaps even a nichesourcing task for the public, aiming to
collect spoken Uralic languages to be utilized in an
art performance called MAA.
More info here:

Guest lecture at Aalto University
Exhibition design process lecture with my colleague Henri Halla-aho (Studio HH) for the Spatial design MA students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. This is our second co-lecture, and my third visit.

6G - Discussing multiculture
Renowned graphic design group 6G is presenting an exhibition
on multiculturality at Finlandia Halls' Galleria Veranda, Helsinki
and Lahti Poster Museum, Finland.
Exhibiting graphic designers are Marion Robinson, Kiia Beilinson,
Kirsi Kukkurainen, Eija Vierimaa, Konsta Ojala, Patrik Typpö and Esa Ojala. Discussing Multi Culture will be open from January 18th to March 4th in Finlandia Hall Galleria Veranda and from 8th March to 30th April in Lahti Poster Museum / Historical Museum.

Visual poems published
Four visual poems from series Literary landscapes published
on Tuli&Savu issue 83, a prestigious Finnish poetry magazine.

Independent biennial
Design breakfast held as part of 5th Independent biennial in Ljubjana, Slovenia.
I Gave a talk on visual poetry and an artist talk with Elina Koskelainen
on how we work with demos at Liiketila art collective at 15 minute slave.
We also celevrated the opening of SPARKS – Finnish visual poetry exhibition
that I produced, on show at Kino Siska and GEM Interactive screens on Ljubljana buses.

Travelling Letters
Language in motion – working with Finno-Ugric languages talk at
Travelling Letters typography conference in Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania.
Extinct letters, Komi-Zyrian artwork exhibited at the exhibition at Titanikas Gallery.
LTR – Lithuanian National Television reportage from Travelling Letters exhibition opening (YouTube)

Master of Art
Finished my MA at Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture.
Published the MA thesis Visual Writing – Typology of visual writing devices in fiction

Liiketila and Finnish National Library
Liiketila art collective starts a collaboration with National library of Finland Digitization Project of Kindred Languages.

Merkillinen exhibition curated by Sanakuva Kollektiivi
29.7. – 23.8.2015
Gallery Aila Seppälä
Kauppakatu 2, Lahti, Finland

Entitled Merkillinen, roughly meaning Curious, explores Finnish contemporary visual poetry. The artists, poets and visualists are asked to comment on how they see the many forms of visual poetry today, and where it is heading.

Visual poetry is poetry for eyes. It extends from asemic writing, conceptual poetry, concrete poetry to visual collages where words carry a story not only through their meaning but rather through their shape and form.

Participating artists: Karri Kokko, Tiina Lehikoinen, Satu Kaikkonen, Arja Karhumaa, Elina Koskelainen Sami Liuhto, Ilkka Juhani Takalo-Eskola, Marko Niemi, Heikki Saure, Marion Robinson

There will be a range of events during the exhibition; from dance performances and discussion sessions mapping the visual-narrative field.

Throughout the exhibition period, an international video poetry review will be showcased. Curated by poet and video artist J.P. Sipilä for Annikki Poetry Festival 2015.

Sanakuva Collective with Design breakfast is presenting visual poetry exhibition in a digital exhibition as part of Independent Biennial accompanying program, presentation of the project via Design breakfast event and as a perfomance at the opening of the Independent Biennial's main event at Kino Siska in November 2015 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

In collaboration with Lahti Poetry Marathon and Annikki Poetry Festival and Tuli&Savu Poetry Magazine
Sponsored by Kone Foundation and the City of Lahti

Invited guest lecturer at University of Maribor
Visual narrative (case: Finland) lecture
for media and communication students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

December 2014
Kone Foundation granted our art group
a 30 000 euro grant for artistic research and performance

We will be working on a new piece celebrating Finno-Ugric languages.

Invited guest lecturer at University of Maribor
Views of a visualist lecture, and concept design workshop
for media and communication students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Sanakuva August 2014 appearances
Dadakone poetry generator will be on view at Glorian runokuu poetry festival, Helsinki 21st August. Also appearing in Lahti Block Party and Lahti Poetry Marathon 16th August.

New work for Lahti Art Museum
Catalog design for Lahti International Poster Triennial
The exhibition is open until 28.9.2014.

ideas+impact UNICEF seminar
Muotoilijan aamiainen is producing Viestinnästä tekoihin,
a UNICEF Finland and Aalto ARTS joint seminar in Lahti. Plus international UNICEF street poster exhibition at Aleksanterinkatu, Lahti.
In collaboration with Asko Foundation, YLE Radio Lahti, Julisteen ystävät ry and Multiprint
and our collaborators chef Vahid Mortezaei, Kapanala interior designers
sound artist Joonas Vesalainen, animator Cian Brennan

Lettretage Soundout! Longlist
We are exited to be featured on Soundout longlist feature, amongst some very interesting European artists, writers, designers, you name it, exploring the possibilites of literary texts. Now we are busy building the Dada Generator for summer interventions by Sanakuva Kollektiivi
See also glimpses.

TAIKE grant
Sanakuva Collective was awarded with a project grant from
Arts Promotion Centre Finland to build Dadakone (poetry generator).
The generator has been commissioned for Annikin runofestivaali, Lahti Poetry Marathon and Lahti Block Party.

Louise Comiran interning at Hello Robinson
From École Estienne, Paris, France, type design MA student
Louise Comiran joins the London office for her 3 month internship.

Information design matters international confrence
7–8 April, RIBA, London
Working as part of the IDA committee organising
the two day international conference.

Recent academic commitments
Nov 2013
"Tinkerers get things done – concept design lecture and workshop"
I was invited as guest lecturer at University of Maribor,
, Slovenia, BA Media communications

Talk "Concept design / exhibitions / views of a visualist"
at Aalto University, Helsinki, MA Spatial design, March 2014

And crit sessions at:
Central Saint Martins, London, MA Narrative Environments, Jan 2014
Pekka Halonen Academy, Finland, Graphic design course, Dec 2013
Maribor Uni, FERI, Slovenia, MA Media communications, Nov 2013

Shaping a shared world
February 2014, Cape Town, South Africa
District 6 museum, Homecoming centre

A joint exhibition of Aalto University, Helsinki, and CPUT, Cape Town
is part of the official program of WDC 2014 Cape Town.
Exhibition identity is done in collaboration with
interior architects Mia Okura and Essi Similä,
producers Tarja Peltoniemi and Anne Badan / Aalto University.

Travelling Letters 2014
11.12.2013> Helsinki, Finland
Punctual was selected to take part in the Travelling Letters
typography exhibition that showcases graphic designers, typographers
and artists' typographic works.

Muotoilijan aamiainen - Design Breakfast in Ljubljana
Design breakfast is invited to the Independent Biennial in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We'll be hosting a breakfast showcasing Finnish illustration scene, and coordinating Finnish illustrators for the Last match exhibition, organized by Lahvian publisher kuš!.
The breakfast will also be held in Lahti Institute of Design, Finland, discussing copyright issues affecting young designers today.
See photos here.

Riihimäki Art Museum, Elävää taidetta
12.10.2013–19.1.2014, Riihimäki, Finland
Cycle installation was selected to participate at Elävää taidetta Häme!(Living art) exhibition at Riihimäki Art Museum.
The exhibition is curated by artist Anne Savitie.
Cycle is a collaboration with Juri Karinen

Kunnon nainen
Lahti, Finland
Mi' väräjää love poem generator by Sanakuva Collective was invited to take part in Kunnon nainen sports event organized by Lahden Ahkera. 1000 women ran 10 kilometers all wearing a poem randomly created by the generator. It formed one massive collective poem piece.

Lahti Poetry Marathon and Sanakuva Collective
Lahti, Finland
Sanakuva Collective was founded 2013 by graphic designer Marion Robinson, writer Heikki Saure and dance artist Meri-Tuuli Risberg in Lahti. Sanakuva investigates the relationships with word, image and movement resulting in installations, interventions and events. The collective is everchanging, inviting interesting people to participate.
During Lahti Poetry Marathon Sanakuva presented:
Mi' väräjää love poem generator (Heikki Saure, Marion Robinson, Hugues Gentile, Elina Koskelainen, Pekka Kilponen)
Mi' väräjää dance performance (Meri-Tuuli Risberg, Reetta Kinnari)
Kirjoituksia maasta -performance (Heikki Saure, Meri-Tuuli Risberg, Reetta Kinnari)
"The visual in poetry" - Marion Robinson interviewing poet Harry Salmenniemi and graphic designer Markus Pyörälä
The event was organized by Lahti Poetry Marathon and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland

Cycle installation at Art Meets Science
June 19.– 25.7.2013, Lahti, Finland
Art Meets Science exhibition is organized in conjunction with international PIN-C,
Participatory Innovation, Conference. The exhibition explores ways to communicate
and visualize research and science, but most importantly to start a conversation
between artists/designers and researchers. It brings together 14 Finnish artists
and researchers from Australia, USA, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Finland.
Cycle installation was inspired by researcher Rakshandra Khans' study of
small hydro power plant sector in Northern India. It visualizes the obstacles
of the process and interacts with the viewer.
Installation realization in collaboration with Juri Karinen.

TANGO exhibition
March 23.– 31.3.2013, Nantes, France
April 26.4.– 26.5.2013, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Exhibition graphic design for a travelling joint exhibition by Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture, L'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique, and Politecnico di Milano discussing empathy in design.
The design and architecture was realised in co-operation with
designers Henri Halla-aho (Studio HH) and Inka Saini (

Recent interviews
WDC Helsinki 2012 blog about Designer's breakfast (EN)
WDC Helsinki 2012 artikkeli Muotoilijan aamiaisen keväästä (FI)
LAMK alumnitarinat 27.2.2013 (FI)
FIDA Finnish Industrial Design Archives Young Designers interview (FI)

WDC Helsinki final cities report
Muotoilijan aamiainen (Designer's Breakfast) was included in
the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 official report by the participating cities (FI, pdf)

New studio
You can find me working at my studio in Hackney, London.
145 Well Street,

Spring events
A new series of breakfast seminars, Muotoilijan aamiainen,
will start for the spring 2013 travelling the studios and workspaces of creatives in Lahti.
With the support from Grafia ry.
See also the feature (in Finnish only) in this ESS blog.

Finally made the move to go solo and set up my own studio, Hello Robinson.
From now on I will be splitting my time between London, UK and Lahti/Helsinki, Finland.

RDW2012 in Shanghai
October 2012, Shanghai, China
After completing the visual indentity for MoA'12 - Masters of Aalto exhibition
I am now starting work on the Aalto ARTS exhibition in Shanghai
Radical Design Week held in Tongji University.
NEXT Design exhibition will be done in collaboration with
POIAT architecture office and designer Jenni Pehkonen.

23rd International Poster Biennale
June 2012, Poster Museum at Wilanów, Warsaw, Poland
June 2nd 2012 – September 16th 2012
Featuring work I Adore

Näetkö kaupungin
August 2012 Malski Areena, Lahti, Finland
Part of Art Häme 2012
group exhibition
Exhibition travelled to Tallin Design Week (Disaini ÖÖ) and Tarto, Estonia.
Näetkö kaupungin on Facebook

MoA'12 Road Show
September 2012, Kiseleff House, Helsinki
MoA'12 Road Show will feature as part of Helsinki Design week,
showcasing 10 selected student works at Kiseleff House in Helsinki.
Visual identity was build to support the identity of MoA'12.
Exhibition architect, designer Jenni Pehkonen.

MoA'12 – Masters of Aalto
Our Future is {a} Present
May 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Aalto University Master's Year Show
Visual identity design in collaboration with
Sasa Kerkos and Prashant Coakley
Part of WCD Helsinki 2012 official program

Muotoilijan aamiainen
Muotoilijan aamiainen, loosely translated as"Designer's Breakfast",
is a seminar concept aiming to bring people together
to spur new creative multidisciplinary collaborations and get to inspired during work day.
First three breakfasts will be held at Lahden Muotohuoltamo,
26.4., 3.5., and 10.5.2012. Talks held by professor Tapio Vapaasalo, Jasso
Lamberg, Anukaisa Alanen, professor Matti Koskela, Henri Halla-aho and Sasa Kerkos.

Lahden Värit – Colors of Lahti
April 2012, Muotohuoltamo, Lahti, Finland
24.4. – 19.5.2012
10 Graphic Designers
group exhibition
Lahden Värit on Facebook

The poster I Adore is classified and will be exhibited at
the 23rd International Poster Biennale
in Poster Museum at Wilanów, Warsaw, Poland.

Spots Demo released
Together with the team at OpenLight we have been busy creating Spots,
a browser based reference database for architects and designers in the lighting industry.
Beta version will be launched Spring 2012.

Pokkarillinen kurittomuutta
– my article about visual writing published in Grafia Magazine
Thanks Visual Editions for images

The Wall – Light Installation for Amnesty 50th Birthday
Exhibition at Kirjasto 10, Helsinki
1.12. – 10.12.2011
by our 505 collective
Featured also in Amnesty Magazine

MUSTA, Sto Tagliando (leikkaan), 2011
Participating at The Scientist, Video&Arte Festival
14.–16.10.2011 Ferrara, Italy
Video by artist and printmaker Sirpa Lappalainen
edited by Marion Robinson

'Power of Money' poster workshop at Taik
Mentor: Andrey Logvin
I Adore

tipoRenesansa, 3rd international type design workshop
Part of 2nd Festival of Letters, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
28th August – 4th September 2011.
See the works here

Lahti : koe muotoilu -exhibition at Sibelius Hall, Lahti
showcases selected graduation projects, including Saramago Reconstructed.
Exhibition is part of Lahti : Biennial 2011.

Beginning Masters Degree Programme at
Aalto University School of Art and Design fall 2011.

Graduated (BA) from Lahti University
of Applied Sciences, Institute of Design.

Working on my final thesis (BA) in
Maribor / Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Miniprint Finland 2010 catalog was awarded in
the Most Beautiful Finnish Books of the year 2010 -competition
selected by the Finnish Book Arts Committee.