Multiculturalism 2016
/ 2016
We share the same DNA, but it manifests in slight variations.
The work shows 2015 anagrams, assembled to resemble the DNA sequencing.
Or it can be read as a commentary on migration routes.
Surprisingly this brings up words that reflect the current political and
social athmosphere such as: racism, muslim, altruistic, rituals…
All rooted in the same origin: multiculturalism.
Size: 100 x 143 cm
Techique: Digital print
Commissioned originally for renowned Finnish graphic design group 6G
2016 poster exhibition Discussing Multi Culture.

Exhibition history
Nykypäivän suomalainen juliste – Contemporary Finnish Poster
HGDF 2016 – Haapsalu Graafilise Disaini Festival
Haapsalu Kultuurikeskus
28th May to 26th June 2016
Haapsalu, Estonia
Viljandi City Hall Gallery
3rd to 30th August 2016
Viljandi, Estonia
Design Night Festival 2016
Museum of Estonian Architecture
9th September to 2nd October 2016
Tallin, Estonia
Pärnu City Hall Gallery
14th December 2016 to 16th January 2017
Pärnu, Estonia
Discussing Multi Culture
Veranda Gallery, Finlandia Hall
18th January to 4th March 2016
Helsinki, Finland
Lahti Historical Museum / Poster Museum
8th March to 30th April 2016
Lahti, Finland